Blind (Matthew 9:27-28)

Photo by Jana Shnipelson on Unsplash

In the opening verse of Matthew, the Gospel writer introduced us to Jesus as “Jesus
Photo by Jana Shnipelson on Unsplash Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham.” He also took pains to ensure that we understood the lineage of Jesus as coming through David, giving us His whole family tree. These are important details, because to call someone a son of David is much more than calling them a Israelite. David was the God-appointed king of Israel, so to call them a son of David is to call them a rightful Prince (or King) of Israel. As if to drill that fact into our minds, as His story began unfolding, the angle of the Lord spoke to Jesus’ earthly father and called him, “Joseph, son of David.” That is a supernatural affirmation of Jesus’ Davidic lineage!

Matthew looks back with hindsight and tells us these things with confidence. But in His early ministry, Jesus was not seen as Israel’s rightful King. To this point in Matthew’s narrative (9:27) He has raised the dead, made the lame walk and preached the Good News to the poor, but He is not yet seen as the Messiah of Isaiah 61. At least, not by most. Most only see a prophet. A miracle worker. A man worth listening to. It is ironic then, that as Jesus leaves Jarius’ and his newly resurrected daughter, He encounters two people who do Him for who He is, even though they are blind. “As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!””

The blind men heard the crowd talking about Him, and they recognize that He is bringing about the Kingdom of God. They ‘see’ Jesus as Son of David, and are so filled with hope that they determine to follow and call out that He might notice them. They have set the eyes of their hearts on Jesus. Not only do they see Jesus as Son of David, they also see Jesus as able to restore sight; “When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied.”

The irony of this moment has to be seen in the light of the greater context of all that is happening. For many were at the feast at Matthew’s house and followed Jesus out of wonder of what He would say next. They were there when He healed the woman with the issue of blood, and many followed Jesus out of wonder of what would happen next. They were there when He literally raised the dead at Jarius’ house, and many followed out of wonder of what He would do after that. All of these people were getting an emotional high listening to Him speak God’s truth, and out of watching Him do the miraculous.

But they weren’t really perceiving what that was happening. To them, it was mostly a matter of all the really cool ‘stuff’ happening around Jesus.

The blind men see what is really going on. They see how it includes them. They see Jesus as Son of David. They see One able to restore their sight. Best of all, they see clearly enough to recognize Him as Lord.

And this is the sad reality; Sometimes the blind see much more than those with eyes.

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

Helen Keller

APPLICATION: Intentionality

What draws us to worship? Is it the really cool stuff happening in our church? Or is it our Lord? What draws us to pray for revival? Is it that we desperately want really cool stuff to be happening in our church? Or is it our Lord? 

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